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Sensori fotoelettrici ultraminiatura in custodie M8 e M12

Per le applicazioni di rilevamento di oggetti, in cui lo spazio è un elemento cruciale, il modello E3H2 garantisce un montaggio semplice dei sensori cilindrici grazie alle piccole custodie di metallo M8 e M12.

  • Custodie M8 o M12 di forma cilindrica quando lo spazio di montaggio ha la massima importanza
  • Modelli a retroriflessione con due modalità di autoimpostazione per oggetti standard e semi-trasparenti
  • Modelli a riflessione diffusa con distanza di rilevamento fissa e con autoimpostazione 
  • Modelli connettore e precablati

Caratteristiche ed info per ordinare

Prodotto Shape Sensing method Sensing distance Setting method Connection method Cable length Output type Operation mode Response time Material housing Thread size Product Length (unpacked) Type of light Power supply voltage Features Degree of protection (IP) Descrizione
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 100mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x54,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, PNP, LON/DON - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 100mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x65,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - M12 Stecker am Gehäuse - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 100mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x54,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 300mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x54,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, PNP, LON/DON - Teachbar - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 300mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x65,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Teachbar - M12 Stecker am Gehäuse - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichttaster, Tastweite 300mm - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x54,5mm - IR 880nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Teachbar - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichtschranke, Reichweite 2m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x55mm - IR 660nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, PNP, LON/DON - Teachbar - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichtschranke, Reichweite 2m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x66mm - IR 660nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Teachbar - M12 Stecker am Gehäuse - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Reflexionslichtschranke, Reichweite 2m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x55mm - IR 660nm, 1,1ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Teachbar - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Einweglichtschranke, Reichweite 4m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x55mm - IR 880nm, 2,5ms, 10..30VDC, PNP, LON/DON - Einstellbar über Potentiometer - 2m Kabel - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Einweglichtschranke, Reichweite 4m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x66mm - IR 880nm, 2,5ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Einstellbar über Potentiometer - M12 Stecker am Gehäuse - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
Fotoschalter - Einweglichtschranke, Reichweite 4m - Messing-Gehäuse, M12x55mm - IR 880nm, 2,5ms, 10..30VDC, NPN, LON/DON - Einstellbar über Potentiometer - M12 Stecker am Gehäuse - Schutzklasse: IP67 - Zulassungen: UL, CE
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Reflectors for retro-reflective photoelectric sensors



Housing material


Size in mm

Applicable Sensor

Order code


General purpose reflectors

  • ABS base
  • Acrylic surface

Surface screw mounting
(diagonal holes)

40 × 60 × 7.5

  • Retro-reflective photoelectric sensors with and without M.S.R



Surface screw mounting
(holes on one side only)

35.4 × 42.3 × 8



51.4 × 60.3 × 8.5



Small size

Side screw mounting or surface selfadhesive

41.8 × 22.5 × 11



Surface screw mounting

23 × 13.7 × 4.9



Large size

100 × 100 × 9



84.5 × 84.5 × 8.7



High precision

Microtripel for improved
performance with fine beam sensors

52 × 40 × 4.8

Recommended for fine beam coaxial models (E3NC-LH03,
E3S-DB, E3T-SR4)



30 × 45



14 × 23 × 1



12 × 24



Simple mounting

Round shape with centered mounting hole for simple screw mounting

Diameter: 84

Depth: 7.4

Photoelectric sensors with and
without M.S.R.


Note: the ambient operating temperature is -25°C to 55°C unless otherwise specified




Housing material


Size in mm

Applicable Sensor

Order code


Enhanced detergent resistance

  • PVC
  • Surface screw mounting
  • IP69k after DIN 40050 part 9

40 × 60 × 7.5

Recommended for harsh
environment sensors


  • PET
  • Surface screw mounting
  • IP69k after DIN 40050 part 9
  • Anti-fogging coating



  • PVC
  • Surface screw mounting
  • IP69k after DIN 40050 part 9

20 × 60 × 6



Highest detergent resistance

  • SUS316L
  • Borosilicat
  • Surface screw mounting

43 × 30 × 5



Heat resistant

  • Borosilicat
  • Surface screw mounting
  • 450°C heat resistance
  • Suitable for vacuum environment

95 × 51 × 8



Non-fogging reflector

  • ABS
  • Acrylic surface

Anti-fogging coating

40 × 60 × 7.5



Special polarizing

  • ABS base
  • PMMA surface

Special polarizing filter to PET

44 × 80 × 8.5




Oil-resistant Reflector

  • Methacrylate resin surface
  • Aluminium, Stainless steel screws

Resistant to cutting oil

65.4 × 106 × 11.5




General purpose tape reflectors

  • Acrylic
  • Self adhesive
  • Pre cut

35 × 10 × 0.6

Photoelectric sensors with and
without M.S.R.



Optimised for E3T-SR4



40 × 35 × 0.6



Optimised for E3T-SR4



80 × 70 × 0.6



Optimised for E3T-SR4



  • Self adhesive
  • Cut-to-length, roll material

25 mm × 5 m


E39-RS25 5 m

25 mm × 22.8 m


E39-RS25 22.8 m


50 mm × 5 m


E39-RS50 5 m

50 mm × 22.8 m


E39-RS50 22.8 m


High precision tape reflectors

  • Self adhesive
  • Pre cut

195 × 22

Recommended for fine beam and
laser sensors (E3NC-LH03, E3Z-LR, E3S-DB_2)



108 × 46


Note: Note: the ambient operating temperature is -25°C to 55°C unless otherwise specified

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