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Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Celeron® 3965U, 8 GB DDR4 RAM (non-ECC), 256 GB CFast iMLC, WIN 10 IoT Ent. (64-bit), no PCIe slot, no option port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen


Screen diagonal 15.4 in
Max. number of motion axes 0
Processor family Intel® Celeron®
Processor specification 3965U (2.2 GHz)
Cooling method Passive cooling (fanless)
Memory 8 GB RAM (non ECC)
Storage 256 GB CFast MLC
Operating system Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB - 64 bit
Expansion slot No Expansion
Modular port No Port
Communication port(s) EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, USB
Video output DVI-I
Material housing Aluminium, black
Display ratio 16:10
Number of pixels, horizontal 1280
Number of pixels, vertical 800
Type of display TFT
Touchscreen technology Projected capacitive
Mounting method Build-in
Degree of protection (IP), front side IP65
Operating temperature 0-55 °C
Supply voltage DC 20.4-28.8 V
Height of the front 277 mm
Width of the front 401 mm
Height of panel cutout 259 mm
Width of panel cutout 383 mm
Built-in depth 63 mm
Product Weight (unpacked) 5600 g


FH-VUAB 2M Cavo USB lunghezza 2m
FH-VUAB 5M Cavo USB lunghezza 5m
NY000-AT00 CFast MLC, capacità: 64 GB
NY000-AT01 CFast MLC, Capacità: 128 GB
NY000-AT02 CFast MLC, capacità: 256 GB
S8BA-24D24D240LF UPS DC/DC S8BA, 10A/240W, batterie integrate agli ioni di litio, 6 min. backup a pieno carico, montaggio guida DIN
S8BW-C02 Cavo di comunicazione per porta contatti , 2 metri


NY000-AK00 Accessori di ricambio: Connettore alimentazione, connettore I/O, tool per PCIe, tool per HDD/SSD

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