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Ora potrai accedere a OMRON vision system ensures uniform tablet coating at IMA

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IMA Active, a division of IMA Group dedicated to the production of automated systems and machinery for the pharmaceutical industry, has recently upgraded its continuous tablet-coating solution with the installation of OMRON's vision system equipped with a high-speed color camera and dome light. The result: a highly accurate assessment of coating uniformity, both in terms of the surface of the individual tablet and across all the tablets collectively.

In order to move from the traditional batch approach toward continuous production, the pharmaceutical industry is constantly looking for technological solutions whereby processes can be monitored in real time.

IMA Group, a world leader in the design and manufacture of processing and packaging equipment, is developing increasingly innovative machines for processing oral solid dosage forms within one of its pharma divisions — IMA Active. One example of this is CROMA, a continuous tablet-coating machine that, thanks to the installation of an OMRON vision system, is now able to make a highly accurate assessment of coating uniformity, both in terms of the surface of each individual tablet and to ensure that all the tablets are coated consistently.

According to Marco Minardi, Automation Manager at IMA Active, "The Quality by Design (QbD) concept is essentially based on principles that define the desired quality profile for both the product and production through the identification of key attributes. This means continuous process monitoring is crucial to maintaining a consistent level of quality throughout the product's life cycle. Therefore—to ensure the right and most appropriate levels of safety—real-time and online monitoring strategies are essential."

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